
By Tanishka (Y12) I look in the mirror in front of me, I see nothing but a face full of smiles, And eyes twinkling with happiness and glee. Behind youthful me, the white, marble tiles. But this is younger me, with not a thought about anything; No worries, no fear, Read more…

Artificial Intelligence

By Niharika (Y11) Artificial Intelligence has undoubtedly become the talk of the town, capturing the interest of all sectors of society, ranging from students to engineers, teachers, factory workers, doctors, and CEOs alike. The clamour has even attracted the attention of the bigshots of the UK government, who have recently Read more…

Over the counter medicines: A modern medical dilemma

By Radiha Key words: over-the-counter (OTC) medication/drug, prescription-only (PO) medication/drug, up-scheduling medication/drugs, self-medication, public health ethics  OTC medications are those that can be sold directly to people without a prescription. OTC medications treat a variety of illnesses and their symptoms including pain, coughs and colds, diarrhoea, constipation, acne, and others. Read more…

What are the protected characteristics in healthcare and how do these impact patient care?

By Vihansa In 2010, the Equality Act(1) was passed by UK Parliament in response to evolving societal views and the advancement of jurisprudence for human rights issues. It introduced 9 ‘Protected Characteristics’, which include Age, Disability, Race, Sex, Sexual Orientation, Gender Re-assignment, Marriage and Civil Partnership, Pregnancy and Maternity, and Read more…