By Emmanuella

As the summer break soon approaches, our time alone bored in our rooms is bound to increase. The biggest question is whirling around, and it is how we spend our time. What books are we reading? What shows are we watching? Where are we visiting? But there is a bigger and better question to ask: 

What songs are you listening to? 

The average person spends 20.1 hours a week listening to music and fans are listening to more music than ever before.

Some people find music as an outlet to reduce stress, to improve motivation, reduce depression and relieve pain. Research has proven that our brains release the hormone dopamine when we listen to music, which is a “feel good” neurotransmitter. Yearly seasons also affect our music preferences. We tend to listen to reflective and complex tunes in the colder seasons, in comparison to energetic and rhythmic music in the warmer seasons. 

Do you ever listen over your old Spotify wrapped playlists and cringe to death? Well do not fret because music preferences are strongly associated with age and our music tastes tend to change overtime. We are constantly making and breaking brand-new connections in our brains, therefore developing our music preferences to new artists and genres whilst growing out of others. (So yes, it’s just a phase) 

K-Pop, Heavy Metal and Country are viewed as the most unpopular music genres and most fans are too ashamed to admit it. For some, music taste could be the ultimate deal breaker as it shapes how people see themselves and their romance compatibility. On the other hand, music could help light sparks between people. Music is a such a fun way to meet like-minded people and can strengthen relationships when you share the same music taste. Studies reveal that a person’s taste in music is a good indicator of their personality. (Search that playlist for red flags) 

Sad music always sounds better when we are feeling down. Listening to sad music may be beneficial for those with symptoms of depression and it can help relieve stress and anxiety and is often used to help navigate our negative feelings. Music doesn’t always have to be upbeat to lift our spirits and sad music can be very healing and cathartic too. It makes us feel calmer and understood. (Alexa play sad girl by Lana del Rey) 

During the summer, we have more time, and more time means more music. Will it be rock, pop or rap?Will it be one single artist you never skip, or will it be every single genre in existence? Music has such an effect on our mood and can show so much of who we are as people.

So let’s address the elephant in the room…what song are you listening to?

Categories: Features


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